【重要なお知らせ】Booking.com で予約されたお客様への不正メールについて | Important Notice: Regarding unauthorized e-mails from Booking.com
この度、Booking.com社(本社:オランダ、アムステルダム)経由で「OF HOTEL」(以下、「当ホテル」とします。)を予約された一部のお客様に対して、当ホテルが意図していない以下のようなメールが送られていることを確認いたしました。
Important Notice: Regarding unauthorized e-mails from Booking.com
Due to an unauthorized access to a reservation made by Booking.com, we have confirmed the following incident at our hotel, where some customers have made reservations via Booking.com.
A message was sent to the customer that the hotel did not intend to send.
(Messages direct customers to phishing sites*)
*”A phishing site” is a fake website that pretends to be a real website in order to exploit personal or financial information using fraudulent methods.
Neither Booking.com nor we will ask you for your credit card information or request payment for your reservation by email or chat.
Please do not access the URL in the e-mail and contact Booking.com or the hotel if you do not recognize the URL.
We are currently investigating the matter as well. We will report details, including the possibility that customers’ personal information has been leaked, as soon as we find out.
We sincerely apologize again for any inconvenience and concern this may cause to our customers.